Module percept2_sampling

This module provides a collection of functions for reporting information regarding memory usage, garbage collection, scheduler utilization, and message/run queue length, etc.

Authors: Huiqing Li (


This module provides a collection of functions for reporting information regarding memory usage, garbage collection, scheduler utilization, and message/run queue length, etc. This is done by sampling-based profiling, i.e. the profiler probes the running Erlang system at regular intervals. Sampling profiling is typically less numerically accurate and specific, but has less impact on the system. Data collected by the profiler are stored in files, and the Gnuplot tool can be used for graph visualisation of the data.

The following Erlang functions are used for the purpose of data collection erlang:statistics/1, erlang:memory/1, erlang:system_info/1 and erlang:process_info/1.

Data Types


entry_mfa() = {atom(), atom(), list()}


milliseconds() = non_neg_integer()


regname() = atom()


sample_item() = run_queue | run_queues | scheduler_utilisation | process_count | schedulers_online | mem_info | {message_queue_len, pid() | regname()} | all

the 'all' options covers all the the options apart from 'message_queue_len'.


seconds() = non_neg_integer()

Function Index

start/3Start the profiler and collects information about the system.
start/4Start the profiler and collects information about the system.
start/5Start the profiler and collects information about the system.
stop/0Stop the sampling.

Function Details


start(Items::[sample_item()], EntryOrTime::entry_mfa() | milliseconds(), OutDir::file:filename()) -> ok

Start the profiler and collects information about the system.

The type of information collected is specified by Items:

If an entry function is specified, this function profiles the system for the whole duration until the entry function returns; otherwise it profiles the system for the time period specified. The system is probed at the default time interval, which is 10 milliseconds. It is also possible to stop the sampling manually using stop/0,

OutDir tells the tool where to put the data files generated. A data file is generated for each type of information in Items. For an item A, the name of the data file would be sample_A.dat.

Sampling data is formatted in a way so that the graph plotting tool Gnuplot can be used for visualisation. A pre-defined plotting script is available for each type of information collected, and these scripts are in the percept2/gplt directory. If you are familiar with Gnuplot, you could generate the diagrams in Gnuplot command-line. Alternately, you could visualise the sampling data through Percept2, which uses Gnuplot to generate the graphs behind the scene. (It is likely that we will get rid of the dependence to Gnuplot in the future).

To visualise the sampling data, one could select the Visualise sampling data from the Percept2 main menu, and this should lead to a page as shown in the screenshot next.

Visualise sampling data

In this page, select the type of data you would like to see, enter the data file name, and the path leading to this file, then click on the Generate Graph button. This should leads to a page showing the graph. The screenshot next shows an example output.

the front page of Percept2


start(Items::[any()], EntryOrTime::entry_mfa() | seconds(), TimeInterval::milliseconds(), OutDir::file:filename()) -> ok

Start the profiler and collects information about the system.

Different from start/3, this function allows the user to specify the time interval.


start(Items::[any()], EntryOrTime::entry_mfa() | seconds(), TimeInterval::milliseconds(), FilterFun::fun((term()) -> boolean()), OutDir::file:filename()) -> ok

Start the profiler and collects information about the system.

Apart from allowing the user to specify the time interval, this function also allows the user to supply a filter function, so that only those data that satisfy certain condition are logged. See start/3.


stop() -> {error, not_started} | ok

Stop the sampling.

Generated by EDoc, Dec 5 2013, 22:50:07.